Wednesday, December 23, 2009

 Just to let everyone know what we've done in the past week...

We made gingerbread houses, as we have done every year since the 90's. (We're old school!)

This one's Nona's house... my personal favorite! ;D

This is Kamry's beautiful house. She's so good at doing things! She's really has been seeming more grown up to me lately. She's such a sweet blessing to our family!

We also decorated gingerbred MEN. That was a newer tradishion, one that started this year. hehee

We saw our favorite babysitter in the whole wode world from when Cason, Kimmi, and I were much younger! You can't really see her well, but that's just to keep her identity hidden... no actually that's not true, remember my camra got washed. hehee

We went to a live nativity yesterday with friends. It was very much fun, and it was so cute because childrent were the actors. The had camels, lots of goats (I think they were supposed to be sheep, or mayby those angels were speaking to goatherds... not shepherds. heehee
They also had a donkey, which was the cuest thing! I want a donkey! I want to name him Lester.

Daddy and Max. It seems like so many picture we have of him he's cutting his eyes like he is in this one. I think it's so cute!

My very handsome little brother, and oh so cute Jessie Carol!

Ok, so the same person who washed my camra was the photographer last night. This person forgot to turn the flash on so we don't have any very clear pictures of the actualy natitvaty.


We've been wrapping Christmas preasants.
 (and openinging them...woopz heh heh)

I wrapped this one myslef... TAAALENNNT!

Kimmi and I went Christmas shopping today and got our siblings presents.
That girl is crazy good at walking int a store and going straight to the best section for what she's looking for. She doesnt even tell me where she's going or what she's getting.
I would't call myslef a follower, to very many people, I mean I could probably name 5, but when we walk into a big store I just follow Kimmi. Really, I do. I don't even relize I'm doing it half the time.
I love Kimmi, her strong will and all!
She's my BFF!



We have lots of sweet, and fun, Christmas traditions.
Do you and your family have any fun traditions you like to do every year?
If so what are they? I would love to hear about them!

Hope you all are all haveing a blessed Christmas season!

and also if anyone even noticed, this isn't Ten Thigs I Love Tuesdays. I think I might not do that, I can't think of ten things one more time! heehee

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