Thursday, April 8, 2010

Trip With The Fam

Home at last.
Mountains are pretty, and being in the country is awesome, but I did miss my town, my cat, and my bed!
The mountains weather was beautiful, and our cabin was right on a river, so when the windows were up it sounded like it was pouring down rain! 

It was a 5 hour trip to Grandfather Mountain, and to some that might not seem too long, but having lots of siblings will make things a little more crazy. 
I absolutely love car trips though! 

I sat in the seat right behind, and between my mom and dad, and it was sweet to listen to their conversastions.
Not that I don't listen to their sweet conversations all the time, it's just that I was sitting there listening and thinking about how blessed I am to have parents who love each other so much. 
They are constanly giving their children something to look forward to one day.
♥ Pretty sweet. ♥

Ok, I am now moving on from all that mushy stuff! hehee

There was lots of wild flower picking

I was supposed to bring my camera, and it was all ready to go, but we were in a rush to get out the door, and the camera was left behind. 
All the pictures we got were taken with a phone.
{I know this is itty-bitty, but it's just so cute!}

We went Zip-Lining

{and y'all, I'm so scared of heights!}

Paddle Boating


We did other stuff too, but I don't have a pictures to prove that. hehee

Wishing these pictures were more clear and a little bigger, but these'll do just fine. ;D
Well, I'm off to go unpack my bag now.

Hope everyone had a great spring break!!

19 Thoughts:

*Lizzie* said...

Hi Karis!
I'm glad you had a good trip!
Those are still cool pictures even if they are a little small :)


Eldarwen said...

Looks like you had fun, Karis! =D

Anonymous said...

Hey Karis!

Wow it looks like you and your family had a great time. I love going on vacation with my family too! Car rides are not near as long with lots of siblings:)

I enjoyed looking at all the pictures. Tiny pictures are better than none:)


Isabella Kiss said...

hmmm. what was zip lining like? i am going to be going this summer (actually at the end of a missions trip in costa rica) and I am trying to figure out what that will be like. any thoughts?

Alex Johnson said...

I love Grandfather mountain! Glad to hear that you faced your fears and went on the zip-line.

God bless,

alyssa said...

that sounds like and looks like FUN! And now that ur home...PLEASE come over soon! Saturday after classes? CALL ME!


An Australian Housewife said...

Sounds like you had a nice time! We did a similar thing - camping with Joel's family. Isn't it great to have a break from the regular routine? (But I too enjoyed my own bed, when we got home!)
Love Beth

♥ Kimmi's Korner ♥ said...

I love the picture of us by the outhouse! hehee


Kade said...

So, now that yer back, are you going to make your promo?

I'm looking forward to watch it!

Glad you had a good time!

Taylor said...

Looks like a blast! I love paddel boating!


Ginela Gonzalez said...

Looks lovely! Oh my goodness it would be devine to wake up to a river that's so cool. Hey the phone pics are great evidence of joy even if they're small. Tis an awesome trip :)
Thanks God for a wonderful time. Man you have a huge family, what a blessing :) Much peace and love to you and them!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your trip =) Mountains are beautiful places...

Rachel said...

Stupendous sounding vacation !
~ ray addi;0

Hunter J.L. Hardwick said...

That's great! I love camping. What is the name of the campground you stayed at because we have stayed at Grand Father Mt. Campground before, which is right at the base of Grandfather.

Katherine said...

Looks like fun!
Thank you for your kind comment on my blog! Yours is lovely, and I will now be following. :)

Blessings to you!


Morgan and Katie said...

Looks like you had a good time! I'M really SCARED of heights too!!


Peyton said...

Glad you had a good time! We LOvE the moutians too. We have never slept in a cabin though, we normaly sleep in a tent for a week. I love sleeping in one exept for the time when we heard coyotes righte out side of our tent in the middle of the night, not fun!I think we are going camping in June. That was a huge rock Max was sitting on, good picture.


Unknown said...

you missed your cat,
how loverly.

Unknown said...

you missed your cat.
so loverly!
